Members present: Mark Karlberg, William Cavanaugh, George Fuller
Others Present: Craig Kleman, Colleen O’Connor, Robert Ronzio, Ken Smith, Gerry Galliher, Richard Furlong, Mark Constable, Steve Turner, George Roberts, Steve Wilke, Madeleine Swindlehurst, Maddy Elovirta, Catherine Hoak, Larry Goetz
7:04 PM Meeting opened.
George asked if anyone from the audience was recording this meeting. No one in the audience is video or audio taping this meeting.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: George advised that he went and spoke to the Selectmen in the Town of Washington regarding fire protection provided by the Becket Volunteer Fire Department. The Becket Selectmen asked George to speak to Washington about increasing the amount they pay to Becket to $8,000 this year and $10,000 next year. The Town of Washington Selectmen have advised that they have increased the amount they pay for fire protection to $8,000 for fiscal year 2012 but they would like a letter next year asking them to increase it to $10,000 for fiscal year 2013. George feels that the fire department should have gone to the Town of Washington to ask for the increases.
George stated that he wished Mark would have tabled the complaints by Rita Furlong to this week but since he did not, he wanted to explain a few things. He advised that the ball field could not be repaired until the ground dries up or the highway department would make a mess of the field. He feels the Parks Commission needs to speak with Lenny Tisdale about this. He also advised that Rita complained about someone from the highway department giving a woman permission to run her dog at the park. He has no idea who told this woman she could do this. He saw a woman at the park one day with her dog and he told the woman that she needed to clean up after her dog and the woman showed him a bag that she uses to clean up after her dog. He also advised that he spoke with someone from the State
highway department about the tree by the Mullen House and was told there shouldn’t be a problem cutting this tree down as long as the town receives a letter from the State okaying this.
Bill motioned to accept the minutes of the April 27, 2011 meeting as presented, Mark seconded. George abstained from voting since he was absent during this meeting. Motion passed.
Public Input: Colleen O’Connor asked the Selectmen if they have ever spoke about the water issues in North Becket Village before the water survey was completed. Bill advised that he has spoken about it recently and a couple of years ago. She asked if the Board had read the survey that was done by Berkshire Regional Planning Commission about the water issues. She feels that if they read this they would have a better understanding of the need for municipal water in the village. Bill explained that putting a municipal water system or a municipal sewer system in town would be quite expensive and he feels the town should start planning for this. She asked how long the Selectmen would think about this before something gets done. She advised that the town is not Title 5 compliant in the
village. Briefly discussed the survey that was done. This grant was primarily done for planning purposes. Briefly discussed the new well at fire station #1. This well has not been hooked up yet. Richard Furlong advised that Lenny Tisdale is supposed to get a hold of the well company about the hookup. George wants Craig to send a letter to Lenny asking him to get the well company in to complete the hookup. Colleen advised that the Mullen House, Becket Federated Church and other properties do not have their well at least 100 feet from the septic fields.
Discussed the Feasibility Study Grant Agreement for wind turbine. George asked why the town is putting out so much more money than Jacobs Pillow and the YMCA Camp. Craig advised him that the town would be reimbursed for any money it puts out. The YMCA Camp and Jacobs Pillow are contributing $2,500 each but would not be reimbursed for this. Bill mentioned that both the YMCA Camp and Jacobs Pillow are not guaranteed anything out of this grant. Bob Ronzio stated that not all grants are 100% reimbursable. Craig advised that the agreement from the state is not completed yet. He also advised that Ann Krawet looked at this draft and found a few things that need to be corrected; one issue was that the contract still stated a specific property and she feels that it should apply to any
property in Becket. He will speak with the woman from the State to have these changes incorporated into the agreement. Craig advised that the contract with SED could not be done until the one from the State was in place. He thought that the Selectmen could vote to have the chairman sign the contract when all the changes are completed and once that is done then they could sign the agreement with SED. George asked if this contract was sent to the town attorney. Briefly discussed whether it would be worth it to send this down to the attorney. Mark and Bill did not feel it should go to the attorneys. Bill motioned to approve the modified agreement with the State and have the chairman execute the agreement when it is received and then execute the contract with SED so they do not run afoul of the effective date issue, Mark seconded. All in favor.
Bob Ronzio advised that because there was not enough time to complete the application for Last-Mile Broadband Solutions and because the town does not have the matching funds available, he would not be completing the application right now.
The Selectmen briefly discussed the transfer of funds that need to be done for the accounts that have deficits. Richard briefly explained why the ambulance department salary account needs more funds. Mark motioned to transfer $1,650 from Town Administrator Salary account to Municipal Utilities account and to transfer $3,350 from the Town Administrator Salary Account, $3,000 from the Postage Account and $5,600 from the Vocational Tuition Account to the Ambulance Department Salaries Account, Bill seconded. All in favor. Briefly discussed renting a pod for the ambulance department so that the downstairs hallway is clear of items. George feels that the sign over at the ambulance garage that states that the ambulance department has moved should be closer to the road so people can see
Mark motioned to sign the Annual Town Election warrant, Bill seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Police Department and the Ambulance Department.
Any other business: Craig advised that Bill Girard gave him something regarding the music event at the Dream Away Lodge. He thought that there should be a special event permit issued for this event. Bill advised that Dan Osman should contact the police, fire and ambulance departments to make them aware of this event. Briefly discussed this event and the possibility of hiring the police to make sure the parking will be organized and not create a hazard for people travelling on County Road or effect the ability of emergency vehicles from getting onto the premises if needed. Bob Ronzio feels that the abutters should be notified primarily because they would be impacted by this event. George was concerned about the parking and the occupancy of his building. He feels the parking lot cannot
handle all of the cars and the building cannot handle the 250 people he expects to have at the event. Colleen advised that he had a music event two years ago and it was fine. Richard Furlong believes that camping is not allowed in Becket so the Selectmen probably could not issue a permit for that. Craig will check to see if there could be camping during this event and get back to the Selectmen.
Maddy Elovirta asked if there was any way to have the ball field drained. She spoke with the Conservation Commission and was told that if there are wetland plants growing then it would be considered a wetland and any work that would need to be done would have to go through them. Maddy advised that there are no plants there now but she was afraid that they would start growing soon if nothing is done to the field. George advised that the Selectmen wanted this issue brought to the highway department so she should contact Lenny Tisdale about this.
George asked Craig if he heard anything about cars speeding on Fred Snow Road. Craig advised that Bill Elovirta said that the 25 mph signs on the road are advisory only. The State sets the speed limit on gravel roads which is 40 mph. He spoke about possibly having the police department patrol the road between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m. to see if that would stop people from driving too fast.
Reviewed correspondence.
George asked Craig if he heard anything from WMECO about the poles that were supposed to be installed on Benton Hill Road. He has not heard anything but he will try to find out what is going on with this.
8:23 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman